1. What is the refund policy of your website?

When you are purchasing a product you need to check out the portion Refund and Returns policy. On that, you would get to know about the refund and returns. By any chance, if you are not happy after using the product within 2-3 days you need to return it. And if you have not used the product you can return it within one week. As you might think someone else in your family might use it that is the reason why you did not use it. In order to get your refund money you need to return the product as soon as possible.

2. Would I get all kinds of medicine on your website?

We have most of the medicines available with us. And after getting them you would get 100% satisfaction. And we promise you one thing that you will not feel like returning the medicines that we sell. As they are genuine and have already been given approval by the FDA. So you can at least trust us. One thing we would like to tell you is that you should never purchase fake medicines from an illegal website.

3. The details that I give on this website will be shared with someone else?

No, we do not intend to share your confidential details with someone else. The expert team looks after your confidential details. Or if you think that your payment is insecure with an online mode you can also make it via cash on delivery. But we can say that all the payment modes are secured.

4. How can I track my order?

There is a section on top of the website known as Order tracking. There you need to enter your Order ID and the email where the billing would be done. This is how easily you can track your order. Even if it is delayed you are going to get a notification about it. A notification stating the delay of your product. And you are going to get your order at the right time.

5. Are all the medicines on your website approved by the FDA?

Yes, all the medicines on our website are already approved by the FDA. It means that they are safe and secure for you. We promise you that they will not expire so quickly. As they are labeled with a long-term shelf life. You can choose the right medicine for you. And we can easily say they are going to give you a guaranteed satisfaction.

6. What is the best thing about your website?

We provide you with the prescribed medicine and they are available at an affordable rate. This is the best thing that we can say. And we have some of our best clients. They shared their previous feedback with us.

7. Do you sell medicines without a prescription?

Yes, we sell many medicines without prescription. But the best thing is that you need to get the medicine prescribed. It is the appropriate thing for you. And remember one thing you need to be sure about the dosage.

8. How would I get to contact you?

We have our address and phone number mentioned on your website. Besides that, you would get an email ID. On that Email ID (support@healthvital.org), you can complain to us. By any chance if you are not satisfied with our product.